Markus's Past - Why Minecraft was Created

Markus Persson, otherwise known as Notch, is famous for developing one of these most expensive sandbox game in history, Minecraft. To most of us, it is confirmed that Notch had a normal childhood and learned how to program at a really young age. While it was true, it was also false. You see, Notch's true children was traumatic and terrifying.
When Notch was born, his mother died giving birth to him. She spoke her last words to the newborn before she deid. When Notch was 3, he got adopted by a single father who lived in Greenland. This man was abused. He would choke him, beat him with a hammer, and rape him until he would bleed. However, Notch enjoyed the bleed, but hated it too.
When Notch was five, he got into creepypastas. His favorite was BEN. He was inspired by BEN. But his father hated that. So he abused him and raped him by breaking his creepypasta.
At age 54, he got into the furry fandom. He was fox man. At Furry Weekend Alantia, he got kidnapped by shady people. The 21 year old was raped and murdered. That's why Minecraft is weird.